Monday, January 22, 2007

Question #8 - Fahrenheit 451

Entry of your choice.

I did not enjoy this book at all. To be honest, I don't like any kind of science-fiction book.

At first Fahrenheit 451 looked very appealing and interesting, but the more I read, the less interested I was. Nothing within the book grabbed my attention. Many people may like Ray Bradbury's writing style, but I didn't. I thought he was too repetitive, having the characters say the same words over and over again. I also didn't understand how the time was going in this story. At one point in the book it said, "One two three four five six seven days." (Pg. 28) However, later it mentioned something that had happened "yesterday". What I was thinking was, 'How could something have happened yesterday if seven days passed since that day?' Either I missed a detail somewhere along the line, or Ray Bradbury got his time scrambled.

The only thing, or person I should say, that I liked about this book was Clarisse McClellan. I was most interested in the story whenever she came out. It's probably no wonder I lost my interest as soon as she was run over by a car. I could relate to her most. She was connected to everyday things, such as noticing that there was dew on the grass in the mornings and whether or not she was happy. So many people around me are so worried about the "big picture" of things, but not me. I choose to be happy, and rather than worrying about the "big picture", which sometimes isn't really that big, I tend to look at and enjoy the little things in life, just like Clarisse. She didn't care about the fact that there was fast and cheap entertainment in the parlors. She cared more about life and truth. I know I sometimes get carried away with the fast and cheap entertainment, too, but I prefer the truth and simple moments...and my opinion.


Sukkyeong* said...

I enjoyed this book~ It wasn't VERY fascinating or interesting, but it gave me some new thoughts about the future and my bad habits (such as chatting in msn ALWAYS haha). But I agree to the fact that the book gets less interesting the more you read.
I also agree that Clarisse McClellan was a character that grabbed some attention. When I read the part where Clarisse died, I was very ashamed. I thought that she was an important character in the story! The story also got a little boring after her death.
I added you to my link in my blog =) I wrote 'Johnny Depp Lover' hehe~
P.S: Come to my blog and leave a comment!♥

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with what you said. I, myself, did not enjoy this book as well. When I first picked up the book from the library, I was filled with excitement because of what I heard from Mrs. McAllister. Yet as I continued to read, I wanted to give up, right then. Even though this book was not one of my favorites, it made me think and realize the importance of books over technology. So many children, teenagers, and maybe even adults are addicted to computer games, cellphones, television, mp3 players, and other electronic devices, when they could be reading a book.
The time in the story confused me greatly. As you said, when Ray Bradbury wrote "One two three four five six seven days," I wondered what was going on and if I was the only one who didn't understand.
Everything you wrote in your post was great! I agree with mostly everything you said.

Lauren said...

The book was really boring. I thought that the cover was interesting but when I read the book I was disappointed. I thought that Clarisse was weird. I didn't really care much for her. Some people said that this book was scary, but read 1984 to see what scary is. I thought that the book got more interesting in the middle though, bt still not that fun.

Inhye Lee said...

Thanks to Sukkyeong, Joanne, and Lauren for commenting =]

Sukkyeong --> I thought the book was boring the entire time. It just got even more boring when she died.

Joanne --> I know! I thought it was going to be a really good book because Mrs. McAllister suggested it to us. I was really disappointed.

Lauren --> I didn't think Clarisse was weird. She was just different. Different is good, don't you think?

SNAM said...

YEAH, Inhye!
By reading your comment, it helped me realize that my favorite character was probably also Clarisse McClellan. I didn't know it at the moment, but I think I was actually really interested in this novel whenever Clarisse was mentioned. In that future time, Clarisse had a different viewpoint on everything and liked to keep life simple and true. She had a strong opinion on what she believed in. It was pretty depressing that she had to be killed off in the middle of the book. I think it would have been more interesting if she had stayed alive during the whole course of the book. :)

Anonymous said...

You also think so too? It made me sort of disappointed,but it was just ok still. I too didn't like this book because it was science fiction:( I'm sort of glad that Montag sort of got the picture of what Clarisse thinks about don't you?

African Globe Trotters. said...

This book is unfortunately about the big picture. It is not meant to captivate you - it is about DYSTOPIA - that feeling / mood that is created in a society far from utopia. If it was exciting, lovely etc. it's message is lost. Flannery O'Connor suggests that to understand real beauty one has to see real ugliness... This is applicable to Bradbury's writings too. Mrs.Mc.